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A step towards sustainability - new compostable mouthpieces from CCELL

Posted by Robert Reinkober on
A step towards sustainability - new compostable mouthpieces from CCELL

The world is drowning in plastic. To be precise, around 390 million tons will be produced worldwide in 2021. In Europe alone, around 30 million tons of this will end up in the trash. The problem is simple: traditional plastics such as PET take several hundred years to decompose on their own. Only a fraction of this is recycled, even in the land of the much-loved yellow bag, the figure is just 7%. The rest ends up in landfills, is sold abroad, incinerated or, in the worst case, floats happily on our oceans towards the coast, unimpressed by the weather conditions. It is clear to all of us that this cannot continue, but do we have alternative materials?

Polylactide (PLA)

PLA, or polylactic acid, is a so-called bioplastic and is mainly produced from sustainable raw materials such as sugar cane or corn. Fermentation converts the carbohydrates it contains into lactic acid. This is isolated by a rather complex process and then synthesized. PLA is often used in medicine for implants or self-dissolving sutures, for example, because even our human body can decompose polylactides.


Bagasse refers to a waste product of sugar production. Leftover plant fibers from sugar cane and millet can be further propagated into robust forms after being pressed out. This not only has a positive effect on the CO2 balance, bagasse is 100% naturally compostable due to its plant origin.

Natural fiber

Natural fibers are particularly suitable in the catering industry as a plastic alternative to disposable tableware and the like. Cellulose from wood and straw is already being used in a wide variety of areas, such as the automotive and toy industries. Our favorite plant, hemp, also serves as a sustainable building material in its strongly pressed state.

And what does all this have to do with us and CCELL?

From now on we offer you the possibility to combine CCELL cartridges with compostable PLA mouthpieces. They have the same material properties as conventional CCELL plastic mouthpieces, without polluting the oceans of course. Available in beige color to make a visual statement as well.



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"Plastic waste." Statista, 25 November 2022, https://de.statista.com/themen/4645/plastikmuell/. Accessed 28 November 2022.

"Plastic waste in the sea - the most important answers | WWF." WWF Germany, https://www.wwf.de/themen-projekte/plastik/unsere-ozeane-versinken-im-plastikmuell/plastikmuell-im-meer-die-wichtigsten-antworten. Accessed 28 November 2022.

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