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How to grow for beginners

Posted by Pascal Romberger on
How to grow for beginners

How to grow for beginners - autoflowering

Since autoflowering seeds, as the name suggests, automatically enter the flowering phase, they are ideal for beginners with no growing experience. With these seeds, you don't have to worry about light cycles, the seeds do it for you automatically. When growing under artificial light, we recommend a light cycle of 18 - 20 hours of light and 6 - 4 hours of darkness per day. This should be maintained for the entire life of the plant and should not be changed. 

  • 1. germinate the seeds: The first step is to place the seeds in a glass of water for about 24 hours. Then place the seeds between two damp cloths or Zewa so that each seed has enough space. Then place the cloths with the seeds between two plates. This arrangement ensures a dark and moist environment - perfect for germination.

  • 2. the right place: Place the plates in a warm place at room temperature. Check the cloths daily and spray them with water if necessary to ensure they do not dry out. The seedling should be visible within a few days. Some seeds can take up to ten days to sprout.

  • 3. transplant: As soon as the roots are a few centimetres long, plant the seeds directly into the final 11 to 19 liter pot - depending on how big you want your plants to end up and how much space you have available. Fill the pot with special cannabis soil or standard soil from the DIY store, which is perfectly adequate for hobby growers. Make a cup-sized hole in the normal soil and fill it with growing/herbal soil. Place the germinated seed in the soil with the root facing downwards, the seed coat should be 2-3 centimetres below the soil. The plant is very sensitive, so make sure that the root is not damaged and the seedling is not crushed.

  • 4. get used to the sun: After 2-3 days you should see the first leaves of your plants - the so-called cotyledons. Let them get used to the sunlight gradually, especially if you plan to put them outside. A windowsill in partial shade is ideal for this. After a few days, the plants can be taken out onto the balcony or into the garden. Take good care of your plants during this phase - they are very sensitive. If the seedlings become too long, they usually need a little more light. The soil should also always be moist, but never wet, to promote good root development. A little wind is also helpful to prevent the plants from "going to seed" and to promote good root growth. For example, a small PC fan or a larger fan can be placed at a sufficient distance.

  • 5. growth phase: The growth phase usually lasts around 3-4 weeks. Your plants will develop quickly during this time. Make sure they get enough light and water. If your plants are on the balcony, make sure they get at least 5-6 hours of direct sunlight per day. Protect them from heavy rain and wind by placing them in a sheltered area or covering them. Keep the ambient temperature between 20-28 °C and ensure good ventilation.

  • 6th flowering phase: After around 4 - 5 weeks, the autoflowering plants start to flower automatically. You should fertilize as soon as you see the first real flowers on the plants. Start with a low dosage and gradually increase it - but only if your plants tolerate the fertilizer well. One of the most common mistakes, especially at the beginning, is over-fertilizing by adding too much, too early or the wrong nutrients. The symptoms can resemble a nutrient deficiency, so special care is required here. To prevent over-fertilization, it is advisable to only add fertilizer every second watering and to keep a close eye on the plant in between. If the leaves become too dark or the edges of the leaves start to curl slightly, this may be the first sign of too many nutrients. It is best to use a special cannabis fertilizer or a fertilizer with a higher phosphorus and potassium content (e.g. in an NPK ratio of 1:3:2). The pH value should also be taken into account. Many cannabis fertilizers contain ingredients that automatically correct the pH value to the plant's preferred pH value of 6.3 - 6.5. The water you use for watering should ideally have a slightly acidic pH value. If the water in your region is rather alkaline or very calcareous, a water filter or the addition of a little acid (e.g. citric acid or special "pH down" products) may be worthwhile. This is not usually necessary, but if your plant shows signs of nutrient deficiency despite fertilizer, this may be the reason. Continue to keep an eye out for pests and diseases and keep the plants healthy and strong.

  • 7. start of the harvest: Harvest time is reached after 8-10 weeks, when about 70-80% of the trichomes (the "mushrooms" on the flowers) show a milky cloudiness. It is best to take a magnifying glass and look at the flowers to see if the trichomes are milky. This is difficult to see with the naked eye. Cut off the plants, remove all the large leaves and hang them upside down in a cool, dark place to dry - 20°C and 40 - 50% humidity are ideal. The flowers should not dry too quickly, but they must not go moldy either. The air should therefore be kept in constant circulation. After about 1 - 2 weeks, the flowers are dry and ready for further processing.

  • 8. grafting the harvest: After drying, cut the flowers from the plant and place them in airtight jars to allow them to ripen. During the first 2 weeks, check the flowers daily and leave the jar open for a few minutes. If necessary, remove damp flowers from the jar for a few minutes and allow them to air dry. This post-ripening process can take between 4 and 8 weeks, depending on the taste. Here the chlorophyll is broken down and the terpene profile of the strains intensifies. The buds should be "cured" at around 65 - 70% relative humidity. Once this is complete, permanent storage at 55 - 60% RH in a cool and dark place is recommended. E.g. in your cellar.

    Good luck and enjoy growing!

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